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Center Parcs Top tip: is nearly always cheaper than for exactly the same holiday (it's often €100 cheaper for a week in summer). Your browser will translate to English if you don't speak French! The UK is listed as 'Royaume-Uni' on the booking form. Read more.
Which Center Parcs Is Best In Belgium? (2025 Guide)
If you're looking for a cheap alternative to Center Parcs in the UK, take a look at Center Parcs in Belgium (or Germany, Netherlands or France). Center Parcs Europe operates as a separate company to Center Parcs UK but they share a lot in common.
There are five Center Parcs in Belgium to choose from and they are relatively easy to drive to from the UK.
But which is the best Center Parcs in Belgium? We've done a comparison of customer reviews, onsite facilities and activities including waterparks, distance and travel time from the UK and value for money at different times of year.
If you just want the summary rather than our great big mountain of waffly research, start by looking at Center Parcs Vossemeren or Center Parcs Erperheide.
There are five Center Parcs in Belgium to choose from and they are relatively easy to drive to from the UK.
But which is the best Center Parcs in Belgium? We've done a comparison of customer reviews, onsite facilities and activities including waterparks, distance and travel time from the UK and value for money at different times of year.
If you just want the summary rather than our great big mountain of waffly research, start by looking at Center Parcs Vossemeren or Center Parcs Erperheide.
For the full rundown of how we reached that conclusion, read on...
Which Center Parcs in Belgium is nearest to the UK?
Most British people with a car get to Belgium by either catching a ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge (12 hours) or by using the Eurotunnel/LeShuttle at Folkestone in Kent (a rather more appealing 35 minutes)
If you use the Eurotunnel, you've then got to drive from Calais. From closest to furthest:
So, if you're travelling from the South East of England you could potentially get from the edge of the M25 to Center Parcs Park de Haan in about three hours (plus a bit of time for checking in and having your passports checked). In fact, Center Parcs Park de Haan is nearer to Calais than all of the other Center Parcs across Europe, including those in France.
If you use the Eurotunnel, you've then got to drive from Calais. From closest to furthest:
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 1 hour 15 minutes from Calais
- Center Parcs Vossemeren - 3 hours 30 minutes
- Center Parcs Erperheide - 3 hours 30 minutes
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - 3 hours 30 minutes
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes - 4 hours
So, if you're travelling from the South East of England you could potentially get from the edge of the M25 to Center Parcs Park de Haan in about three hours (plus a bit of time for checking in and having your passports checked). In fact, Center Parcs Park de Haan is nearer to Calais than all of the other Center Parcs across Europe, including those in France.
Of course, you might prefer to fly.
We calculated travel times to the Belgian Center Parcs by adding together direct flight times from London and transfer times by car. From quickest to longest journey:
*The nearest airports are in different countries so you will need to cross the border into Belgium.
As you can see, there's not a massive difference in travel times but Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Erperheide offer the quickest journey times. We didn't include time spent checking in, travelling to the UK airport or buying Toblerone in the duty free shop.
We calculated travel times to the Belgian Center Parcs by adding together direct flight times from London and transfer times by car. From quickest to longest journey:
- Center Parcs Vossemeren – 1hr 5m to Eindhoven + 39m drive = 1 hour 44 minutes*
- Center Parcs Erperheide – 1hr 5m to Eindhoven + 48m = 1 hour 53 minutes*
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort – 1hr 5m to Eindhoven + 1hr 2 m = 2 hours 7 minutes*
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes – 1hr 15m to Luxembourg +1hr 21m = 2 hours 36 minutes*
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 1hr 5m to Brussels + 1hr 37m = 2 hours 42 minutes
*The nearest airports are in different countries so you will need to cross the border into Belgium.
As you can see, there's not a massive difference in travel times but Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Erperheide offer the quickest journey times. We didn't include time spent checking in, travelling to the UK airport or buying Toblerone in the duty free shop.
Which Center Parcs in Belgium gets the best reviews?
When we checked, there were three Center Parcs in Belgium that were fighting for the top spot from customer reviews.
Center Parcs Vossemeren, Center Parcs Erperheide and Center Parcs Terhills Resort all score 4/5 on TripAdvisor.
The winner overall is Center Parcs Terhills Resort, as it scores an impressive 4.5/5 on Google Reviews. It only opened in 2021, so the total number of reviews isn't quite as high as the other resorts.
Center Parcs Vossemeren scores 4.3/5 on Google reviews whilst Center Parcs Erperheide scores 4.2/5. The ranking is similar on, with Terhills Resort first, Vossemeren second and Erperheide third. The total number of reviews on is quite small.
That means that those three parks get similar reviews to the five Center Parcs in the UK, which all score 4/5 on Trip Advisor and 4.5/5 or 4.6/5 on Google reviews.
Two Belgian Center Parcs resorts get somewhat lower scores.
Center Parcs Les Ardennes scores 3.5/5 on TripAdvisor or 3.7/5 on Google.
Center Parcs Park de Haan is a curious one, as it is actually a Sunparks which rebranded to a Center Parcs for holidays in 2020 (both names are owned by the same company in Europe). It currently scores 3/5 from a fairly small number of reviews on TripAdvisor or 3.8/5 on Google reviews.
Here's the full ranking, with those scores converted into a percentage score to make it easier to compare (you're welcome):
Center Parcs Vossemeren, Center Parcs Erperheide and Center Parcs Terhills Resort all score 4/5 on TripAdvisor.
The winner overall is Center Parcs Terhills Resort, as it scores an impressive 4.5/5 on Google Reviews. It only opened in 2021, so the total number of reviews isn't quite as high as the other resorts.
Center Parcs Vossemeren scores 4.3/5 on Google reviews whilst Center Parcs Erperheide scores 4.2/5. The ranking is similar on, with Terhills Resort first, Vossemeren second and Erperheide third. The total number of reviews on is quite small.
That means that those three parks get similar reviews to the five Center Parcs in the UK, which all score 4/5 on Trip Advisor and 4.5/5 or 4.6/5 on Google reviews.
Two Belgian Center Parcs resorts get somewhat lower scores.
Center Parcs Les Ardennes scores 3.5/5 on TripAdvisor or 3.7/5 on Google.
Center Parcs Park de Haan is a curious one, as it is actually a Sunparks which rebranded to a Center Parcs for holidays in 2020 (both names are owned by the same company in Europe). It currently scores 3/5 from a fairly small number of reviews on TripAdvisor or 3.8/5 on Google reviews.
Here's the full ranking, with those scores converted into a percentage score to make it easier to compare (you're welcome):
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - 4.5/5 (Google Reviews)+ 4/5 (TripAdvisor) = 85%
- Center Parcs Vossemeren - 4.3/5 + 4/5 = 83%
- Center Parcs Erperheide - 4.2/5 + 4/5 = 82%
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes - 3.7/5 + 3.5/5 = 72%
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 3.8/5 + 3/5 = 68%
What about reviews of the Center Parcs Belgium swimming pools?
With a bit of digging, it's also possible to find review scores for the waterparks ('Aqua Mundo') at most of the Belgian Center Parcs. For many people, the waterparks are the highlight of a Center Parks holiday so it's worth considering.
The 'Aqua Mundo' (waterpark) at Center Parcs Erperheide is the best according to reviewers, with a current score of 4.4/5. Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Park de Haan are joint second on 4.2/5. The other two score 4/5.
Here are the scores for the Belgian 'Aqua Mundo', ranked in order:
So, you will notice that the Center Parcs in Belgium with the highest overall review score - Terhills Resorts - actually gets the joint worst review for its swimming pool. Some reviewers comment that the pool at Center Parcs Terhills Resort is smaller than a typical Center Parcs Aqua Mundo, which may explain the score.
The 'Aqua Mundo' (waterpark) at Center Parcs Erperheide is the best according to reviewers, with a current score of 4.4/5. Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Park de Haan are joint second on 4.2/5. The other two score 4/5.
Here are the scores for the Belgian 'Aqua Mundo', ranked in order:
- Center Parcs Erperheide - 4.4/5
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 4.2/5
- Center Parcs Vossemeren - 4.2/5
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - 4/5
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes - 4/5
So, you will notice that the Center Parcs in Belgium with the highest overall review score - Terhills Resorts - actually gets the joint worst review for its swimming pool. Some reviewers comment that the pool at Center Parcs Terhills Resort is smaller than a typical Center Parcs Aqua Mundo, which may explain the score.
Which CenterParcs in Belgium is cheapest?
We did a price comparison of the five Center Parcs in Belgium by looking at three popular dates for a week's holiday. The European Center Parcs tend to offer more discounts and special offers than the UK Center Parcs, so you might find a better deal with a bit of perseverance. However, this should give a rough idea of which is the cheapest.
We looked for a holiday for a family of two adults and two children for a week. We just looked for the cheapest accommodation available and didn't include any activities or travel costs.
All bookings for Center Parcs in Europe are given in Euros, so we've given the price in pound sterling at the exchange rate at the time of searching.
We searched for:
Price for a week's holiday over Easter 2025 for a family of four from cheapest to most expensive:
Prices for a week in early October 2025 for a family of four from cheapest to most expensive:
Searches carried out in October 2024. Prices are from, which is nearly always cheaper than the English language version of Center Parcs Europe ( for the same holiday.
From our mini price comparison, it looks as though Les Ardennes is usually the cheapest, with Terhills Resort as the most expensive, followed by Park de Haan, Erperheide or Vossemeren. Center Parks Vossemeren and Center Parks Erperheide, which score very good reviews were usually around the middle of our price comparisons (or slightly cheaper).
We looked for a holiday for a family of two adults and two children for a week. We just looked for the cheapest accommodation available and didn't include any activities or travel costs.
All bookings for Center Parcs in Europe are given in Euros, so we've given the price in pound sterling at the exchange rate at the time of searching.
We searched for:
- a week over Easter 2025
- a week in early August 2025
- a week in early October 2025
Price for a week's holiday over Easter 2025 for a family of four from cheapest to most expensive:
- Centre Parcs Les Ardennes - £793
- Centre Parcs Park de Haan - £947
- Centre Parcs Erperheide - £981
- Centre Parcs Vossemeren - £1095
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - £1324
- Center Parks Les Ardennes - £1317
- Center Parks Erperheide - £1445
- Center Parks Vossemeren - £1579
- Center Parks Park de Haan - £1868
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - £2110
Prices for a week in early October 2025 for a family of four from cheapest to most expensive:
- CenterParcs Les Ardennes - £592
- CenterParcs Vossemeren - £645
- CenterParcs Erperheide - £645
- CenterParcs Park de Haan - £726
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - £1169
Searches carried out in October 2024. Prices are from, which is nearly always cheaper than the English language version of Center Parcs Europe ( for the same holiday.
From our mini price comparison, it looks as though Les Ardennes is usually the cheapest, with Terhills Resort as the most expensive, followed by Park de Haan, Erperheide or Vossemeren. Center Parks Vossemeren and Center Parks Erperheide, which score very good reviews were usually around the middle of our price comparisons (or slightly cheaper).
Which Center Parcs in Belgium has the most facilities?
One of the main attractions of a Center Parcs holiday is the range of onsite activities and facilities. Most people spend the whole time onsite rather than exploring the area.
However, according to the Center Parcs website there is quite a range in the number of activities on offer at the five Center Parcs in Belgium.
We've ranked them from the park with the most activities to the park with the least number of activities:
So, there are about twice as many activities at Center Parcs Vossemeren than at three of the Center Parcs in Belgium (Park de Haan, Les Ardennes and Terhills Resort). Center Parcs Erperheide also has an excellent range of things to do, including high ropes, zip wires, segways, bowling, bungee trampolines and pony riding. Of course, that doesn't tell you anything about the quality of the activities but it's a useful start.
We also figured out how many of the activities are included in the cost of your stay:
Again, Center Parcs Vossemeren is top of the league. However, the difference is less significant so the range of activities is less of a factor if you just plan to do the free things on your holiday. These figures are a little misleading, as similar activities are often listed two or three times.
Curiously, Center Parcs Erperheide is also unique in that it offers the accommodation option of a 'pony cottage' where you get 'your own pony during your stay' and a cottage next to the riding school. You might like to read our blog about our stay in one of the pony cottages at Center Parcs Erperheide.
As mentioned earlier, the water parks at Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Erperheide score 4.2/5 and 4.4/5 from customers on Google reviews. Both have rapids, lazy rivers, flumes and hot tubs and are similar to the Subtropical Paradise pools that you get at Center Parcs in the UK.
The waterparks at Les Ardennes and Terhills Resort score 4/5, whilst Park de Haan's waterpark scores 4.2/5.
However, according to the Center Parcs website there is quite a range in the number of activities on offer at the five Center Parcs in Belgium.
We've ranked them from the park with the most activities to the park with the least number of activities:
- Center Parcs Vossemeren - 132 activities
- Center Parcs Erperheide - 108 activities
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes - 87 activities
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 85 activities
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - 50 activities
So, there are about twice as many activities at Center Parcs Vossemeren than at three of the Center Parcs in Belgium (Park de Haan, Les Ardennes and Terhills Resort). Center Parcs Erperheide also has an excellent range of things to do, including high ropes, zip wires, segways, bowling, bungee trampolines and pony riding. Of course, that doesn't tell you anything about the quality of the activities but it's a useful start.
We also figured out how many of the activities are included in the cost of your stay:
- Center Parcs Vossemeren - 44 free activities
- Center Parcs Erperheide - 41 free activities
- Center Parcs Park de Haan - 40 free activities
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes - 38 free activities
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort - 14 free activities
Again, Center Parcs Vossemeren is top of the league. However, the difference is less significant so the range of activities is less of a factor if you just plan to do the free things on your holiday. These figures are a little misleading, as similar activities are often listed two or three times.
Curiously, Center Parcs Erperheide is also unique in that it offers the accommodation option of a 'pony cottage' where you get 'your own pony during your stay' and a cottage next to the riding school. You might like to read our blog about our stay in one of the pony cottages at Center Parcs Erperheide.
As mentioned earlier, the water parks at Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Erperheide score 4.2/5 and 4.4/5 from customers on Google reviews. Both have rapids, lazy rivers, flumes and hot tubs and are similar to the Subtropical Paradise pools that you get at Center Parcs in the UK.
The waterparks at Les Ardennes and Terhills Resort score 4/5, whilst Park de Haan's waterpark scores 4.2/5.
Other notable differences between the five Center Parcs in Belgium
- Center Parcs Vossemeren and Center Parcs Erperheide both opened in the 1980s. I believe that they both opened under the Center Parcs brand name. Center Parcs Les Ardennes and Center Parcs Park de Haan are both former Sunparks, which were built in the late 80s/early 90s and rebranded as Center Parcs more recently.
- As mentioned earlier, Center Parcs Erperheide offers something unique at the Belgian Center Parcs which is a 'pony cottage' where you get your own pony for the week and live next to the riding school.
- Center Parcs Park de Haan is near to the beach, which is unusual for a Center Parcs location.
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort opened in 2021. It is described as a 'small-scale premium resort', which is reflected in the reduced number of activities and the smaller swimming pool.
How can I save money on Center Parcs Belgium holidays?
For some reason, booking Center Parcs Europe holidays through the French language version of the Center Parcs website is nearly always cheaper than booking via the English language website.
We looked at nearly 300 prices and found that was the cheapest option in about 7/10 cases, whilst and were occasionally cheapest.
The difference can be quite considerable. For a week's holiday was usually about £50 - £100 cheaper but on one occasion it was about £160 cheaper.
Whichever site you choose, you will pay in Euros and you can get your browser to translate from French.
We looked at nearly 300 prices and found that was the cheapest option in about 7/10 cases, whilst and were occasionally cheapest.
The difference can be quite considerable. For a week's holiday was usually about £50 - £100 cheaper but on one occasion it was about £160 cheaper.
Whichever site you choose, you will pay in Euros and you can get your browser to translate from French.
Which Center Parcs in Belgium has the best accommodation?
Your main choice at Center Parcs in Europe is between three grades of cottage including Comfort Cottages (£), Premium Cottages (££) and VIP Cottages (£££). These are similar to the woodland lodges that you get at Center Parcs in the UK.
Personally, I would upgrade to cottage that is described as 'renewed' or 'new design' as these are less worn out.
If that's not enough waffle then you might like to read our detailed guide of the difference between these grades.
Besides that, there are also some unusual types of accommodation that are only available at a small number of resorts in Belgium:
- The cheapest grade - Comfort (£) - has basic facilities including a kitchen, TV and fireplace but you don't get bedding, towels, tea towels or cleaning materials. They can all be added as a modestly-priced extra without going for a full upgrade.
- Premium Cottages (££) include bedding and tea towels as standard and add on a few extras such as a second TV, a hairdryer and a posher coffee machine.
- VIP Cottages (£££) also include towels as standard, a dishwasher, a sauna in your lodge and faster Wifi.
Personally, I would upgrade to cottage that is described as 'renewed' or 'new design' as these are less worn out.
If that's not enough waffle then you might like to read our detailed guide of the difference between these grades.
Besides that, there are also some unusual types of accommodation that are only available at a small number of resorts in Belgium:
- Center Parcs Terhills Resort has wheelchair friendly accommodation and Exclusive Cottages (££££), which have a barbecue and fancier décor than standard cottages.
- Center Parcs Erperheide has a couple of quirky accommodation options. The Animals of the Forest Cottages have a woodland décor but are not terribly exciting, in my opinion. The pony cottages (mentioned earlier) have horsey-themed wallpaper and you are responsible for a pony for a few days. The idea is that you spend a couple of hours each morning grooming them and riding them. By the second morning of doing this, I realised that I preferred the swimming pool to mucking out a horse, but I'm sure you'll love it...
- Center Parcs Vossemeren has wheelchair friendly properties, as well as woodland animal themed properties (Animals of the Forest). It also has hotel suites, which is quite unusual for Center Parcs.
- Center Parcs Park de Haan has lakeside lodges, but that's about as interesting as it gets.
- Center Parcs Les Ardennes doesn't really have any exciting accommodation, apart from nine-bedroom cottages that sleep 18 people.
Conclusion – which is the best Center Parcs in Belgium?
I would start by looking at Center Parcs Vossemeren or Center Parcs Erperheide. Get a quote from both and see which is the best value for the time you want to visit.
They both get better reviews than Center Parcs Les Ardennes and Center Parcs Park de Haan and offer a much higher number of activities. Center Parcs Vossemeren or Center Parcs Erperheide also both get very good ratings for their 'Aqua Mundo' (waterparks). They're a similar distance from Calais, so I wouldn't say travel time from the UK will be a deciding factor.
Center Parcs Vossemeren tends to offer particularly good value considering its positive review scores. Overall, Les Ardennes is the cheapest Center Parcs in Belgium.
Center Parcs Terhills Resort is shiny and new and it gets the best reviews, but it was the most expensive by far in our price comparison. It's on a smaller scale than a normal Center Parcs, so it will only appeal if you find the usual sites a bit overwhelming.
Center Parcs Park de Haan is only worth a look if you a) want to be near a beach and b) want somewhere nearby (perhaps for a weekend). It is two or three hours closer to Calais by car than the other Center Parcs in Belgium.
They both get better reviews than Center Parcs Les Ardennes and Center Parcs Park de Haan and offer a much higher number of activities. Center Parcs Vossemeren or Center Parcs Erperheide also both get very good ratings for their 'Aqua Mundo' (waterparks). They're a similar distance from Calais, so I wouldn't say travel time from the UK will be a deciding factor.
Center Parcs Vossemeren tends to offer particularly good value considering its positive review scores. Overall, Les Ardennes is the cheapest Center Parcs in Belgium.
Center Parcs Terhills Resort is shiny and new and it gets the best reviews, but it was the most expensive by far in our price comparison. It's on a smaller scale than a normal Center Parcs, so it will only appeal if you find the usual sites a bit overwhelming.
Center Parcs Park de Haan is only worth a look if you a) want to be near a beach and b) want somewhere nearby (perhaps for a weekend). It is two or three hours closer to Calais by car than the other Center Parcs in Belgium.
Images are from Center Parcs. Review scores checked October 2024.